The SpeedLab Score – Scorecard

This gamified information is a comprehensive breakdown of the SpeedLab Score for ages 12+ highlighting the key categories of an athlete’s skills.

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Innovating Athletic Development

SpeedLab aims to transform the subjective nature of athletic  development with an objective data-driven approach in order to give you the opportunity to achieve your athletic goals. The SpeedLab Score is our pioneering assessment designed for athletes ages 12+ to measure and track your skills, identify areas for development, and create a baseline for you to work from.

We present this critical information in an accessible and comprehensive format – the Scorecard.

The Scorecard is a gamified document designed to provide you with concrete data on your overall performance, a breakdown of your individual scores, a comparison to your peers in order to track your current performance and continued development, and suggested development areas and training recommendations. This actionable information is key because learning and growing can only happen when you receive feedback and are provided with clear goals.

Overall Snapshot

The first image presented to the left of the Scorecard  is a snapshot of your most recent assessment performance. There are three key points of information: your name, your overall score, and a numerical breakdown of the three categories that formed the overall score. The top number is the cumulative average of your performance. The three categories each have a composite number  that represents your score for that particular measurement. We applied a composite scoring system, from 0-100, to these categories after collecting data from over 15,000 tests. This was implemented to help simplify the raw scores collected.

Performance Scores
Next is your Physical Performance Score. This overall composite number is based on the physical scores in three categories (speed, strength, and agility) during the tests you perform in the SpeedLab Score. The categories receive averaged numbers, which are then averaged together to form your total score.
  • The speed score is taken from your max sprinting speed during the 30-yard sprint.
  • The strength score is taken from your 0-10-yard time achieved during the 30-yard sprint.
  • *We use Strength here as success in this phase is a result of your ability to produce high amounts of force and accelerate horizontally in your first few steps.
  • The agility score is taken from the reactive agility test performed on our SpeedCourt.

The collection of these 3 scores established your Physical Performance Score; a score you should look at improving over time by addressing key aspects of your physical performance.

Our large proprietary database allows us to effectively create a composite scoring structure and compare athletes.  The next section of the Scorecard takes that comparison a step further and breaks down the athlete’s performance compared to their peers.

Comparison Table

On the bottom of the first page, you will see how you compare to other athletes of the same age and gender. This includes all of your raw scores for your 10-yard, 30-yard, top speed, and agility times. This table also provides the averages for your age group and gender as well as the top scores. If you’re looking forward and want to see how your scores measure against the future competition, we have added college and professional athletes’ scores we’ve collected over the last few years.

Age Comparison
Continuing onto the second page, you will see your physical data plotted on a percentile view. (n=X) X represents the number of athletes you are being compared to, and this number will continue to grow as we continue our assessment and data collection efforts. The graph shows where your scores rank in comparison to the other athletes of the same age and gender that have also completed the SpeedLab Score.
Using this example, 16-year-old John Smith scored around the 50th percentile for Agility. This means his Agility score is ranked just below the top 50% for male athletes his age. His 10-yard time is ranked in around the 10th percentile. This means his 10-yard time, which is his strength score, is in the bottom 10% of all athletes his age and gender.

Training Recommendations

Once your strengths and weaknesses are identified, we can customize a development plan for you, based on your data. We provide guidance and the necessary tools to help you continue your development. There will be two recommendations based on their skills performance and two based on their physical performance.
Development Gamified
By gamifying the critical information in your development, the SpeedLab Score’s Scorecard provides objective data in a comprehensive platform that highlights your strengths and weaknesses. This helps determine where you’re at in comparison to your peers and provides actionable information to help you learn and grow. The scores should also serve as an effective method of engaging you further in your development journey, thus accelerating your development.
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